Friday, April 3, 2009

I don't want you as a client

The vast majority of physicians and surgeons are good, caring, skilled professionals. Sadly though there are some doctors who are neither caring nor competent. They refuse to listen, they are arrogant or lazy. Maybe they are inexperienced or poorly trained. These physicians are dangerous. They cause serious harm that can effect the lives of their patients, and their families, for the rest of their lives. I've been suing these bad doctors for nearly 13 years, and I, of course, will continue to do so. But, I'd rather not. I'd rather see fewer clients who were victims of bad medical care. Sometimes there is little or nothing a patient can do to avoid becoming a victim. If you're unconscious and under-the-knife you're helpless against the surgeon who doesn't know what he's doing. (I once represented a woman who was very badly hurt when her surgeon decided to take a telephone call in the operating room while he continued to work on her.) However, sometimes you can take steps to reduce (greatly in some instances) the likelihood that you will be the victim of lousy medical care. That is what this blog is about. It is meant as a resource for patients (which is all of us at some point) to learn how to take charge of their own health and to work with the physicians that care for them from a position of strength so as not to be a victim.

Nollo Erratum means No Error. I concede that error free medicine -- or error free anything for that matter -- is a bit of a fantasy. But striving for a better world is how we make progress.

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